By Ben |

This morning I brought my breakfast to the beach and watched the sun rise over the water.  Then I strolled over to Atalaya, the summer home of Archer Milton and Anna Hyatt Huntington.  I last crossed Archer Huntington's philanthropic footprints at Aztec Ruins National

Monument in New Mexico.  His Moorish mansion, built during the Depression using as much local labor as possible, is now a national monument in its own right.  It's also well on its way to becoming a ruin!  I considered visiting Brookgreen Gardens, a park across the road that features many of Anna Huntington's sculptures, but I balked at the admission fee.

The ride to Myrtle Beach State Park was short, but it gave me the leeway I needed to run errands in town, and to check out the nature trails in the park once I got there.  I saw some holly trees for the first time; I'm familiar with holly bushes, of course, but I'd never seen it grow into trees before.

12.2 mi