Why we haven't blogged in a while

By admin |

There are a variety of reasons why we've fallen mostly silent on this blog...

  • The software got harder for us to use, and I didn't stay on top of updating it.
  • Most of our friends are on Facebook, so we got in the habit of just posting stuff there.
  • We got even busier -- Jessie with grad school, me with medical issues.

Fortunately there's light at the end of all three tunnels, so we hope to re-emerge soon!

Home via Paris

By Ben |

Sunday, Oct 2

We had breakfast at a patisserie since the corner café was closed on Sunday. We took the more direct train into Paris and stored our luggage in a locker in Gare de l'Est station. We then went to the Musee des Arts et Métiers, where we enjoyed free admission and lots of models, but we found most of the interactive exhibits out of order.


By Ben |

See an album of our photos from Versailles.

Friday, Sept 30

We slept in, planning to visit a nearby Indian buffet for brunch, but it didn't open at 11am as advertised, so we had to check out of our hotel first, and we wound up returning to same café as the past two days, but this time we got the full breakfast with omelets!


By Ben |

See our photos from Friesland.

Monday, Sept 26

Jessie overslept in the morning due to a small army of gas-powered hedge trimmers in the condo complex drowning out her alarm! We still had time for a canal boat tour (included in our HollandPasses) before we caught the train to Friesland, a region in north Holland.


By Ben |

See our photos from Leiden and Nuenen.

Sunday, Sept 25

When I checked my email in the morning, I learned that our AirBnB host in Paris had been robbed! She canceled our booking, and I used the refund to book another room, but I did not thoroughly read the reviews. Cue ominous music.