Jan 15: A Week in East Texas

By Ben |

[posted to the Wheeled Migration Yahoo Group on January 15, 2005]

It's hard to believe it's been only a week since I left Austin! Here's what's transpired since I wrote last Friday morning...

Gypsy didn't get up until about 11:00, and she pronounced the weather unfit for a trip to Pedernales Falls, so we played a couple games of Settlers of Catan and then I rode on to Cat's. The trip took only a little over an hour, which surprised me and caused me to underestimate the following day's ride.

to Silsbee, TX

By Ben |

Right after I wrote that it was "a beautiful last night in Texas," I lay down to sleep and smelled a horrible smell... at first I thought I must have put my tent down over a previous camper's cathole; then I decided the smell was more like rotting brussels sprouts, so it must be someone's old garbage.  (Either would be plausible; this was a very "primitive" campground with no restrooms or trashcans nearby.)  But a few hours later when I stepped outside the tent, I realized the smell was everywhere... the wind had shifted, and I was downwind from a paper mill!

to Indian Village

By Ben |

A big rainstorm passed through in the night.  I was all snug in my tent by the time it started, and I felt rather smug -- putting in earplugs to sleep through the thunder -- until I discovered that an enormous puddle was forming beside and under half the tent!  I felt like the fourth little pig whose brothers disowned him because he built his house out of nylon.  Fortunately the bottom of the tent stayed watertight.

to Coldspring

By Ben |

I spent the day passing in and out of Sam Houston National Forest, ending up back inside it.  The only interesting thing that happened was when I stopped for lunch in New Waverly at a concession trailer that had been designed for biker rallies.  The couple who operated the place were motorcycle bikers for a while, then attended rallies with their food trailer, and somehow wound up parked on the main drag in New Waverly, Texas, serving breakfast tacos to commuters.  We chatted for a while, and they gave me my ham-and-egg taco for free.

25.7 mi

to Navasota

By Ben |

Today was hot and humid.  I had to put everything away damp, and the laundry didn't even start to dry until midday when the sun came out.

There were a lot of vultures along the road today, but aside from that the ride was pleasant, following a lot of back roads with hardly any traffic (which made the vultures a bit more unnerving!).

To Lake Sommerville

By Ben |

I thought today's ride might be too ambitious, but it turned out to be just right.  I started to feel some knee pain in the late morning, but I took a leisurely lunch break and it cleared up.  The weather was gorgeous in the afternoon: mid-70s and partly sunny.

To Bastrop State Park, TX

By Ben |

I left Cat's at about 9:30, so as to miss rush hour, forgetting that this was a Saturday.  I followed TX 71 most of the way to Bastrop, a town which, despite a name that suggests something you might use to flog an incorrigible child, was "voted most historic town in Texas."  I didn't stop to find out why but buzzed on through to the nearby state park.

To Cat's

By Ben |

Gypsy didn't get up until about 11:00, and she pronounced the weather unfit for a trip to Pedernales Falls, so we played a couple more games of Settlers of Catan and then I rode on to Cat's.  The trip took only a little over an hour, which surprised me.