to Crawfordsville, IN

By Ben |

For some reason time seemed to pass more slowly today than usual.  I took my time leaving Ken & Kathy's place in order to say goodbye to everyone properly, and then I kept seeing interesting stores on the way out of town.

Once I was past the Indianapolis suburbs (heading due west), traffic quieted down and I was able to cover a lot of distance in comfort.  I didn't go quite as far today as on Sunday, but Indianapolis to Crawfordsville is still quite a ways.


By Ben |

This morning I did Internet stuff in the morning, then Ken picked me up and we went out for lunch.  Then I hopped on my bike and rode into town.

The Monon Rail Trail is a very nice way to get into and out of downtown!  It's also one of the most popular rail trails I've ever seen.  I think the only public trail I've ever seen with so many people out walking, skating, and biking just because it's a nice day would be Lake Calhoun.

to Indianapolis

By Ben |

I took my time drying the tent this morning and cruised on into Indianapolis around 2:30.  I found a public library in a shopping mall on my way to Ken & Kathy's house, and I spent an hour on the computers there, though they had no maps.

Indianapolis has a few good rail trails and more in the works, but many of the roads are ill-suited for biking.  None of the drivers were rude or hostile, though, unlike in Cincinnati.

to Whitewater Memorial SP, IN

By Ben |

This morning Fran made me a fantastic breakfast of blueberry-coconut-pecan muffins.  Yum!

Today's ride was uneventful; my main goal was to get into the flat country so I could make some time, and I did that... crossed into Indiana at Scipio and followed paved, flat back roads all the way to Whitewater Memorial State Park, near Liberty.

High point of the day was smelling an alfalfa-drying plant... brought back all kinds of Grinnell memories.

Total distance: 47.54 mi

more Cincinnati

By Ben |

Today was a day when nothing went quite as expected, but everything turned out great!

I left Bill's place in a steady rain that was forecast to last all day long.  I headed for the Ohio River, where a city Web site had told me there was a bike trail.  On the way I slammed into a large pothole that was concealed by a puddle.  Immediately after that, I noticed a pinging, popping sound coming from my front wheel.  I assumed it was the spokes, knocked out of their delicate relative tension by the impact.

Sep 16: Cincinnati

By Ben |

[posted to the Wheeled Migration Yahoo Group on September 16, 2004]

Hi, folks. I'm safely under the wing of my friend Bill, who was my youth director at church 10 years ago and whom I haven't seen since... he's now a minister, and he has a 9-year-old son who is really into geography and soccer.


By Ben |

Bill took me to the library this morning when he went to yoga class, but the library turned out not to have any maps of Indiana.  However, the downtown library is on my way west, so I should be able to stop there tomorrow morning without trouble.